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『 किन्नरिय मम तण्हा 』

你好!我是 Kinnari,上海交通大学 23 级人工智能专业的本科生。很高兴能在互联网上与你相遇🥰。

我对深度学习、大模型和机器学习系统等领域很有热情,也喜欢分享自己的学习经验和思考🤓。如果感兴趣,可以看看我的 aiTour知乎,也许会找到一些对你有帮助的内容。


我喜欢认识新朋友,通常通过微信和 QQ 与大家保持联系。你可以通过点击下方的图标,扫一扫二维码找到我,随时欢迎添加好友!虽然我也使用 X(原 Twitter),但目前主要以阅读为主,很少发布内容👀。




GitHub 或者知乎点个关注谢谢喵😺,GitHub 或者知乎点个关注谢谢喵😺


至于我的名字“Kinnari”,它来自于我非常喜欢的一首歌——三无 Marblue 的《歌乐天》(YouTubeBilibili)。这首歌的歌词里反复出现了“Kinnariya mama taṇhā”,那种兼具神秘感和科技感的风格让我印象深刻,因此选择用它作为我的网名。(Kinnari 还是印度佛教中掌管歌舞的神呢🫣)

Hi! I’m Kinnari, an undergraduate student majoring in Artificial Intelligence at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Class of 2023). It’s a pleasure to meet you here🥰.

I am passionate about deep learning, large models, and machine learning systems, and I enjoy sharing my learning experiences and insights🤓. You can check out my aiTour or ZhiHu (both in Chinese) for useful resources.

For more academic details, please visit my academic page 🎓.

I enjoy meeting new people and usually connect through WeChat and QQ. You can find my QR codes by clicking corresponding icon below—feel free to add me! I also use X (formerly Twitter), though I mainly browse and rarely post👀.

BTW, I’ve set up a (QQ) group for sharing and communication, with the group number: 1011394397. Feel free to join us🎉! More details can be found here.

If you have any questions or want to chat, feel free to send me an email or leave a comment below. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can😎.

If you’re in Shanghai, feel free to reach out. We can chat, learn together, or share our interests👻.

In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music, watching anime, and reading. Occasionally, I write about these hobbies on my blog to share my thoughts✍.

As for my name, "Kinnari," it comes from a song I really like—歌乐天 by Marblue (YouTube, Bilibili). The lyrics “Kinnariya mama taṇhā” left a deep impression on me with their mysterious and futuristic vibe, so I adopted it as my online name. (Kinnari is also God of song and dance in Indian Buddhism 🫣)