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About 🥳

约 695 个字 预计阅读时间 3 分钟 共被读过

我是来自上海交大的 23 级本科生 Kinnari,现就读于人工智能专业,很高兴能在互联网上和你相遇。

I am Kinnari from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in Artificial Intelligence. I am glad to meet you on the Internet.

我对人工智能、机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉等领域有浓厚的兴趣,也热衷于分享自己的学习经验和心得。你可以在 aiTour 或者 GitHub 上看到我对一些学习资料的分享。

I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, etc., and I am also keen on sharing my learning experience and insights. You can see my sharing of some learning materials on aiTour or GitHub, both in Chinese.


For more academic information about me, see my academic page🎓.

我是一个热爱结交新朋友的人,一般使用微信和 QQ 在网上交流,你可以在下方对应的图标中找到我的二维码,扫一扫后就可以添加我为好友了。我也使用 X,不过暂时并没有在上面发布过什么内容,也没有添加好友之类的。

I am a person who loves to make new friends. I usually use WeChat and QQ for online communication. You can find my QR code in the corresponding icon above, scan it, and then add me as a friend. I also use X, but I haven't posted anything on it yet, nor have I added friends or something like that.

如果你有什么问题或者想要和我交流,也欢迎给我发邮件(mailto: echo 'MjgyMzMyNDIyOEBxcS5jb20=' | base64 -d)或者在下方留言。我会尽快回复你的。

If you have any questions or want to communicate with me, please feel free to send me an email or leave a message below. I will reply to you as soon as possible.


Of course, I would rather be friends with you in real life, chatting and learning together. If you are in Shanghai, feel free to invite me to go out together!


In addition, my hobbies mainly focus on music, animation, reading, etc., and I will also record some related content in my blogs.

题外话,之所以使用 Kinnari 这个名字是因为我喜欢的歌手三无 marblue演唱过一首歌曲《歌乐天》(YoutubeBiliBili)中反复出现了“Kinnariya Mama Tanha”歌词。我非常喜欢这首兼具神秘与科技感的歌曲,所以就用它作为了我的网名。

By the way, the reason why I use the name Kinnari is that I like the singer Marblue who has sung a song called "歌乐天" (Youtube, BiliBili) in which the lyrics "Kinnariya Mama Tanha" are repeated. I really like this mysterious and technological song, so I use it as my nickname.